Admissions to Greenhill Primary School
Starting in Reception
We follow the Leeds Admissions Policy (please see below) which states that children may commence school at the beginning of the academic year in which they reach their fifth birthday. The local authority determines the school admission limit and this will only be exceeded at the Authority’s discretion.
The local authority will send parents a preference form before their child is eligible to start school. Parents may make enquiries to the school but must send their preference form to Pupil Admissions via the admissions portal on the Leeds City council website. This can be found here: alongside general admission advice:
If you need help with your application you can telephone admissions on 0113 222 4414 or emailing
If you are considering sending your child to Greenhill Primary School please contact the office to arrange a visit:
Mid-Year Transfers
If you would like your child to change from their existing school and start at Greenhill then you must complete an in-year preference form and contact Leeds City council admissions to apply for a place. If we are unable to offer you a place the admissions team at the local authority will place you on our school waiting list and may be able to help you find an alternative school place. Please use the link below to find out more about the city council in-year transfer process.
Please follow this link to visit the Leeds City Council website for advice on in-year school transfers:
Leeds City Council website for school admissions and view the City Council school admissions policy:
If you wish to make an appeal for a school place please use this link to visit the Leeds City Council school appeals information page:
Year 7 Admissions
Applications for places in Year 7 for September should be made via Leeds City Council Admissions Team
Nursery Admissions
For Nursery admissions, please contact the school office ( directly Children must be three years of age to attend the Nursery. We currently only offer morning or afternoon sessions for 15 hours provision. Parents may make a preference for morning or afternoon session, but cannot be guaranteed their choice. Children must attend all five sessions each week. A waiting list is kept by the school and a child’s name may be entered after the child’s first birthday. Parents and carers will be approached by Nursery staff once a place becomes available to arrange a start date as well as a mutually convenient time for a home visit prior to the child starting Nursery.
We are also able to offer a limited number of places for FEEE 30 hours provision places. Parent/carers wishing to take up this offer will need to provide their National Insurance Number and Eligibility Voucher Code to the school office when enquiring about a place. If you are a working parent/carer and wish to check your eligibilty you can do so on the government website.
Nursery Admissions Policy
download_for_offlineNursery Admissions Policy