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Greenhill Primary School


Our Greenhill curriculum is driven by the need to prepare our children for lifelong learning. 

At Greenhill, we offer a bespoke, exciting curriculum which is ambitious and inclusive for all learners.  Through our curriculum, we develop the essential knowledge, skills and understanding which are the building blocks that prepare children for their later life.  Our curriculum encompasses not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but immerses children in wider themes that are designed to engage and enthuse children whilst our Greenhill thread weaves progression and makes meaningful, purposeful links both in subjects and to deepen learning as children journey through school.

We endeavour to make our learning go beyond the experiences of the classroom, to ensure that our children are exposed to the richest and most varied opportunities that we can provide.  Our aim is to enrich every child's school experience by creating a diverse environment where they are encouraged to succeed and be the best that they can be. 

The aims of our school curriculum are:

  • To foster the children’s understanding of ‘belonging, being and becoming’ and how they connect to the past, live in the present and look to the future; encouraging curiosity and a passion for life-long learning.
  • To promote an ‘I can do it’ attitude towards learning, so that all children enjoy coming to school and embrace new challenges and possibilities; pushing their own boundaries and building resilience.
  • To enable children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills and become independent thinkers and questioners - acquiring a solid basis for lifelong learning.
  • To promote a British-values culture where children take responsibility for themselves and their actions; are ready, are safe and are respectful to all.