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Greenhill Primary School

Charging & Remissions

As with any other school, we need to charge for certain goods and services. However, we try to keep these to a minimum and try to subsidise where we can. 


At Greenhill, we use Cool Milk to provide milk for our children, if parents want it. School Milk is free for those children under 5 years old and approximately £18 per term after your child hits this milestone. Payments can only be made online to Cool Milk and full details are available on their website:


School Meals 

School dinners are now a completely online experience at Greenhill. We use SchoolGrid for parents to choose and pay for their child's meals. Call in to the school office for more details and to register with SchoolGrid  or email info@greenhill.leeds.sch.uk 


The majority of school trips are subsidised by the school. Parents are asked to make a contribution towards the cost, so that we can continue to offer children high quality learning experiences out of school. Payments for most trips can be done online via Parentmail or in cash at the school office. 

Residential Visits

In Key stage two, there will be an opportunity for your child to participate in an outdoor pursuits residential visit in Years 4 & 6 -  spending a couple of nights away from home and enjoying some adventurous or exciting activities along the way. We try and give plenty of notice for these trips and can provide the ability to spread the cost of payment over time. Payments for most residentials can be done online via Parentmail.


Many clubs are run each year free of charge. They include STEAM club, various sports clubs, Art clubs for KS1 & KS2, performing arts club amongst others. Sometimes a charge will apply, if school is hosting an activity run by another organisation or to help towards the cost of materials used.

 Concerts and Productions 

A small charge is made for tickets to our annual productions. The funds raised go towards new costumes, licenses and play scripts.

PTA (FrOGS) Events

Throughout the year, our amazing PTA, the Friends of Greenhill School (FrOGS) run discos and other fund raising events. They will usually raise money by selling refreshments or a small charge for entry. 

Online Payments

We endeavour, at Greenhill, to be a cash-free school. Many payments can be made online via Parentmail or Schoolgrid. The systems are quite easy to use and the school office can give you more information on how to set up an account.