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Greenhill Primary School


 Geography teaches our children the knowledge and understanding of places and environments. Through their work in geography, children learn about their local area and compare their life in this area with other regions in the United Kingdom and worldwide. Our curriculum provides opportunities to learn about the wider world whilst continuing to focus on the importance of our locality which at the heart of what we do. Children at Greenhill learn how to use geographical skills and tools, through their experiences of physical Geography, fieldwork and enrichment activities, which further enhance classroom based-learning. Our curriculum facilitates children’s development in mapping, research, investigations and problem solving. Through their growing knowledge and understanding of human geography, children gain an appreciation of life in other cultures. Geography teaching also motivates children to find out about the physical world and enables them to become well-rounded citizens who recognise the importance of sustainable development for our Earth and the future of mankind.

Geography forms part of the Greenhill ‘Thread’ and it weaves skills and knowledge up through the year groups, helping create a thematic, progressive and interesting curriculum where learning is revisited and embedded.