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Greenhill Primary School

Committees and Responsibility

Full Governing Body

The Full Governing Body meets four times a year. There are three subcommittees – Teaching and
Learning, Pupil Support and Resources – which each meet three times a year. 

Resources - Sub-Committee

The Resources Committee is responsible for staffing (including Human Resources), budgets and financial matters, equality and diversity, premises and property management, health and safety and nutritional standards.

The Resources Sub-Committee is composed of the following Governors:

A Forsaith 
A Hall (Chair)
M Dawson (HT)
E Bullock

The School Business Manager (A Richards) attends the Resources Sub-Committee.

Teaching and Learning - Sub-Committee

The Teaching and Learning Committee  is responsible for teaching and learning matters including target setting, standards and achievement, monitoring teaching and learning and curriculum provision. The governing body takes part in school improvement discussions.

The Teaching and Learning Sub-Committee is composed of the following Governors:

A Forsaith, (Chair)
M Dawson (HT)
J Winster  
J Haddock

Pupil Support - Sub-Committee

The Pupil Support Committee has an oversight responsibility for pupil behaviour, safeguarding, attendance, SEND (including reporting annually on the success of the SEN policy) and children’s spiritual moral social and cultural development.

The Pupil Support Sub-Committee is composed of the following Governors:

A Forsaith (Chair)
M Dawson (HT)
S Robertshaw
C Fletcher

The Governing Body also has a Pay Review Committee which is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the school Pay Policy and Teacher Appraisal Policy. It normally meets once a year. The Headteacher's performance management cycle is run by the Headteacher Performance Management Committee.

Governors' Responsibilities

Governors also have particular roles and responsibilities, and undertake visits in school linked with
these roles. The key roles are:

Child protection and safeguarding - C. Fletcher
Special educational needs and disability (SEND) - A. Forsaith
Early reading and phonics - J. Winster
Attendance – C. Fletcher
Children looked after - A. Forsaith
Complaints - A. Forsaith
Early years foundation stage (EYFS) - A. Forsaith
Equalities - FGB
Literacy - J. Winster
Government grant funding – pupil premium, PE and sports premium, SEND top up funding - J. Lambert
Health and safety - A. Hall
Maths - A. Forsaith
Well-being (pupil and staff) - S. Robertshaw
Training governor - J. Lambert

Governance Information including Business, Financial & Pecuniary Interests 

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